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Awards & Achievements

Healthy Ireland Smart Start Award


What is Smart Start?

This Pre-school Health Promotion training programme is the result of over a decade of collaborative working led by the HSE Department of Health Promotion and Improvement in partnership with National Childhood Network, to ensure children in the pre-school settings are supported to adopt healthy lifestyle behaviours in early childhood. The aim is to bring all people together into a national movement with a single aim to ensure the best possible health and well-being of our nation.

The programme is broken down into 6 topics:

  1. Health promotion

  2. Emotional well-being

  3. Physical activity

  4. Nutrition

  5. Oral health

  6. Health and safety


Inspection Reports

Tusla Inspections

The Early Years Inspectorate are committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of children who attend Early Years services.  This is achieved through the registration and inspection of early years’ settings. In this process the inspectorate are empowered by legislation to directly enforce standards and the relevant regulations subject to fair procedures in all eligible services.  At Over the Rainbow ELC we engage positively with the inspectorate and pride ourselves on achieving full regulatory compliancy.  We welcome any and all feedback on how we might improve our services.


As a registered provider (reg. # TU2015CE110) Tusla are satisfied that the service has sufficiently met the regulatory requirements. 

Our Latest inspection report is available on the Tusla website, please click here


Early-Years Education Focused Inspection (EYEI) - Department of Education

Early-Years Education Inspections (EYEIs) are carried out in early-years services participating in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Programme.  These inspections, evaluate the quality of the nature, range and appropriateness of the early educational experiences for children participating in the ECCE Programme.


The service is evaluated under the following areas of enquiry:

1. Quality of the context to support children’s learning and development

2. Quality of processes to support children’s learning and development

3. Quality of children’s learning experiences and achievements

4. Quality of management and leadership for learning


In our previous roles as Room leaders we have achieved top marks in all 4 areas and intend to uphold the same standards in our new roles as Owner/managers.

Our latest quality report is available on the Department of Education website, please click here.


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